Eathorpe, Hunningham, Offchurch & Wappenbury Joint Parish Councils
11th July 2023
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Eathorpe, Hunningham, Offchurch & Wappenbury Joint Parish Councils being held on 18th July 2023 at 7:30pm, the meeting is being held at Eathorpe Village Hall. If you are unable to attend, please forward your apologies to
J L Chatterton
Jane Chatterton CiLCA PSLCC Clerk & RFO
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend
1. Apologies: To receive apologies and approve reasons for absence
1a. Councillor Vacancies
Recommendation: to receive an update (interviews to take place in August, co-option at September’s meeting)
2. Declarations of Interest:
(a) Councillors are reminded of the need to keep their Register of Interests form up to date
(b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in agenda items and their nature
(c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interest in items on the agenda and their nature
(d) Written requests for the council to grant a dispensation (s33 of the Localism Act 2011) are to be lodged
with the clerk in advance of the meeting
3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th May 2023
4. Matters Arising
Matters arising for items NOT listed as agenda items
5. Public participation: To adjourn to allow public participation.
Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council meeting and the Parish Council cannot pass a resolution on matters raised during public participation that are not on the agenda. Residents are invited to give their views and raise questions to the Parish Council. Please keep to two minutes or less to make your point. If you wish items to be on the agenda you may raise them with a Councilor or the Clerk at least a week before each meeting, or for the next agenda during Public Participation.
6. Councillor’s reports and items for future Agenda
To receive reports from District Councillor; Councillor Rebecca Noonan, and Warwickshire County Councillor; Councillor Redford
7. Correspondence
To receive and note correspondence
7.1 Police Liaison
Recommendation: discuss a JPC representative to attend the meetings
8. Planning
To consider any Planning Applications since the last meeting
8.1 Appl. No:
Planning Permission Proposed
8.2 Appl. No:
Planning Permission
Mace Buildings Ltd, Long Itchington Road, Hunningham
portal frame extension of approximately 965 Sq.m. to existing workshop building to enclose existing site storage area/crane. Resubmission of planning application W/21/1701.
Land adjacent The Cottage, Little End, Hunningham Change of use of land for the siting of a 3 bedroomed log caravan agricultural workers dwelling
8.3 Land at Leamington Road, Princethorpe – solar development proposal 9. Parish Council website
Recommendation: discussion 10. Highways
Recommendation: Receive and note any highways reports
10.1 New road signage for Offchurch and white lining on the Offchurch Road
Recommendation: receive an update 11. Police Matters
Recommendation: Receive and note any police matters
12. Finance
12.1 to approve payments: – 2023-24
10.05.23 E16 10.05.23 E17 16.05.23 E18 06.06.23 E19 06.06.23 E20 06.06.23 E21 06.06.23 E22 06.06.23 E23 06.06.23 E24 09.06.23 E25 11.07.23 E26
11.07.23 E27
11.02.23 E28 11.02.23 E29 11.02.23 E30 11.03.23 E31
*inc VAT
J Chatterton HMRC
SPS Payroll
Mr G Willoughby DS Wagstaff Topsource
J Chatterton J Chatterton HMRC
J Chatterton J Chatterton
J Chatterton Topsource
DS Wagstaff
Mr G Willoughby
Clerk Salary May
Tax & NI Clerk May
Invoice 10677 April 23 Playground inspections Inv 00011 Mowing Invoice 4713
Payroll Invoice 994 May Expenses June
Clerk Salary June
Tax & NI Clerk June
Zoom partial payment
Clerk Salary July
Tax & NI Clerk July
Expenses July
Payroll Invoice
Moving Invoice Playground inspections Inv
DPA £12.94* £148.25 £284.00 £12.94* £71.00 DPA DPA £28.78 DPA
£48.50 £12.94* £629.00 £118.60
12.2 Update to Offchurch field Recommendation: discuss quotations
12.3 Bank Reconciliation 30th June 2023 Recommendation: Receive and approve
12.4 Quarterly Report 30th June 2023 Recommendation: Receive and approve
12.5 Grant Request from Church Group for mowing grant Recommendation: discussion
13. Offchurch Play area refresh Recommendation: discussion
14. HS2
Recommendation: Receive an update
15. Councillor’s reports and items for future agenda
Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information (this is for matters which have come up after the agenda is published) or action, not included elsewhere on the agenda, and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making
16. Next Meeting
To confirm the next meeting as scheduled for 19th September 2023 at Eathorpe Village Hall